
Equal and skilled personnel who feel well

Equal and skilled personnel who feel well

Our objectives
  • Ponsse with zero accidents
  • Committed, healthy employees
  • Equal and non-discriminating workplace
  • Working community committed to the Code of Conduct
  • Skilled leadership and supervisory work
Accident free company

We wish to provide a safe working environment where the opportunities are equal and consistent for everyone’s health and development. We are a responsible employer who treats its employees with equal respect. Our diverse backgrounds provide supplementary skill sets and knowledge, and we can learn from our customers’ in-depth forestry expertise.

At Ponsse, we comply with the ISO 45001 standard for occupational safety and health management. We want to offer our employees a safe and healthy working environment. A company free of accidents has been a long-term goal of Ponsse. Our safety work is focused on prediction to prevent accidents and near-misses. We monitor and manage safety across our whole group. Ponsse uses Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF), the number of accidents resulting in absences per one million hours worked, to measure occupational safety.

To improve occupational safety and health, we will focus on building a method of continual improvement in safety and carrying out preventive safety activities in 2023. For 2023, we have set goals for preventive safety activities for all our companies, and we will provide more safety training for our personnel.

Committed, healthy employees

We want to ensure that we have skilled and professional employees through regular training and job rotation opportunities. We identify training needs during performance appraisals. In addition, we support the personnel’s voluntary training, including degree programmes. We prepare for the development of future technologies by identifying competence needs.

Motivated employees who feel well have a significant impact on work results and customer experiences. We monitor the employee experience and wellbeing of Ponsse’s personnel by the following means:

  • Performance appraisals twice a year
  • eNPS index to measure the employee experience and a wellbeing survey twice a year
  • An annual survey to measure the quality of leadership
  • Extensive personnel surveys every few years (previously in 2020, next in 2023)

Strategic goals and the Ponsse culture

Each year, we communicate and implement the company’s strategic goals relative to our functions and further to each employee’s personal goals. The goals are monitored throughdaily management and performance appraisals. Our goal for 2023 is to also develop performance appraisals into a regular process in our subsidiaries.

Equality and non-discrimination

We comply with our equality and nondiscrimination plan, which was updated in 2021. Its goal is that all Ponsse employees feel treated equally without any discrimination.

  • We do not accept any discrimination against our employees or job applicants based on any personal reasons.
  • We promote an equal, nondiscriminating and diverse work culture.
  • We do not accept any form of harassment or bullying.
  • Employees can freely decide whether they want to belong to a trade union and/or participate in codetermination in their workplace.
  • Equality and non-discrimination We comply with our equality and nondiscrimination plan, which was updated in 2021. Its goal is that all Ponsse employees feel treated equally without any discrimination.
  • All employees have equal opportunities to apply for various positions and to advance in their careers in accordance with their education and competence.
  • As a rule, everyone can apply for vacancies.
  • Ponsse facilitates coordinationbetween work and leisure through working hours arrangements, remote work opportunities and by adopting a positive approach to the use of family leave.

The company’s personnel group revises the equality and non-discrimination plan every year.