- A transparent supply chain committed to responsible operating methods
- Confidential and developing customer cooperation
- Understanding stakeholder expectations for responsibility and planning our development accordingly
Our mutual trust with different stakeholders is based on open long-term cooperation.Our key stakeholders include our customers and members of the entire Ponsse network. We want to know our customers personally and also address their families and stakeholders in our activities. The Ponsse network consists of our own companies, as well as our retailers who we always aim to treat as equivalent to our own companies .
Our key stakeholders are:
- Customers and other forest sector operators
- Personell
- Ponsse network’s retailers and contractual service partners
- Subcontractors and suppliers
- Shareholders
- Local communities and associations
- Legislators and authorities
- Schools and educational institutions
- Funding providers, investors and analysts
- Media
Investments in the local dimension
We find it important to be a responsible company in the communities in which we operate. When selecting our partners, we address the local dimension and aim to create regional welfare through profitable and environmentally sustainable operations.
Ponsse’s production and head office are still located in the company’s birthplace in Vieremä in Finland where we have a high impact on the region’s employment. Nearly half of our subcontracted suppliers are located within 25 kilometres of our production facilities. At the end of 2022, Ponsse directly employed 658 people at our factory and 119 people at our Iisalmi logistics centre and in our maintenance services. In addition, nearly 400 employees worked in companies that are based in the partnership business park located in the immediate vicinity of our factory and mainly provide Ponsse with subcontracting or components .
In addition, our sports sponsorships highlight the local dimension, a shared set of values and long-term partnerships, ranging from children and young people to professional sports
In the development of PONSSE forest machines, priority will always be given to customers and machine end users, especially to operators and maintenance employees, while the safe manufacturing of machines is also a requirement. Our products comply with international standards and the relevant safety requirements of EU directives, including OPS, FOPS, and ROPS safety cabin structures and their standardised testing. All Ponsse machines are CE-marked to indicate compliance.
Good ergonomics are vital for the occupational health and stamina of forest machine operators. PONSSE cabins provide good visibility to the work area, and their operator workstation ergonomics are highly advanced from the controls to the seat and machine stabilisation. User interfaces and automation systems such as Active Crane are included in the development of ergonomics. The user interface must be easy to use and provide the information required at the correct time to reduce the cognitive load of the operator.
Productivity and occupational safety are further improved by professional operator training and aftersales services. Occupational training also ensures the suitability of the working methods and equipment for each worksite and that logging is conducted in line with sustainable forestry.
The goal of the Einari Vidgrén Foundation is to increase appreciation for the work done in the field of mechanical harvesting and to highlight the responsible and sustainable work of the industry.